Friday, April 19, 2013

Viajante, the traveller

I started knitting this because I needed something totally mindless to knit, lots of knit stitches, on and on. 
I must admit I was a bit skeptical as I knit, since it seemed very narrow in the narrow end but I knit on, looking at other people's projects on Ravelry.
As soon as I finished it I had to try it on... and IT WORKS!!!
It can be worn as a hoodie-poncho, as a shawl, and as anything in between! Very very pleased!

                                Viajante by Martina Behm


beatrice De said...

I never knitted shall, but you can see what I am knitting on my blog * tricot, couture et bricolage*, en lien with this one.

Hello from Switzerland.

TiinaV said...

Mie olen miettinyt myös tuon huivin neulomista. Epäilyttänyt on kans, toimiiko. No toimii näköjään! Aivan mahtavan upea!