Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I forgot!!!! This is also a shawl from this year... Citron in Colinette Jitterbug, and ofcourse this is Aurora's shawl! =)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer Wedding

On Saturday Princess Victoria of Sweden is getting married... Minerva decided to send a drawing to wish them all the happiness in the world!

So today she drew a cat... and sent it of to Stockholm, with good wishes from Minerva and Oliver!

And I managed to photograph a Opri hat my Mari Muinonen that I made for a friends daughter's 17th birthday present. It is in a fresh bamboo/cotton yarn...

Look at her hair!!! How she can stand it in this heat is absolutely beyond me! =)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

This year's shawls so far...

The first shawl of this year was started in Finland from Noro yarn... always beautiful colours.. And Oliver likes it too!

The second shawl is gorgeous 100% cashmere, Filatura di Crosa yarn... absolute luxury, and Stephen Wests lovely pattern Daybreak... love it!

Then there is a ractangular shawl for my mother... the yarn is Impulse of Delight's and the pattern is Spring Leaves.

With some great ladies on Ravelry we did a KAL with yarn dyed especially for us by Tuulia, and we did Stephen West's Akimbo....

And last but not least, I just finished my first project with Wollmeise yarn; the pattern is Haruni and the yarn colour is Pinie... the second photograph shows the true colour.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Slow start to summer, but it's coming!

Some plants from the terrace:Bougainville, where you can see that the actual flower is the small pale yellow inside, and the brightly coloured part is actually leaves...


Chive flower
Sage flower

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A little girl with fever

A little girl with a three day fever last week... she's all better now so I can publish these! =)

Oliver, when he likes to be lazy...

There is someone on my covers that are in theory drying outside...

Such a comfortable place... under the canopy, in view of the street (controllong the premises), the wind creates a nice little swinging movement...
A silly little cat can lay here all day...

merely changing sides once in a while...