Yet another incredible mail day! I could get used to this!!!! =)
An exchange with the Kahelit-group on Ravelry... the idea was to give away something from your stash that didn't speak to you anymore... I have some doubts that these don't speak to someone, they're gorgeous!!
2 skeins of Drops Alpaca in blue, with beads to go with them... maybe I'll finally tackle beading? =)
2 skeins of Sisu in a deep brown... some Sisu is always needed (look it up in the dictionary...it's finnsih!)
And a lovely pink skein of Kainuunharmas hand-dyd by Ilu ... I LOVE this yarn!
A bag of blue beads, some buckles and a little torch and... SALTY LICORICE!!!!!
Thank you KIRSI!!!!!
Then... there was a package from Marjut... a very funny book with personalized autograph!!! Lucky lucky me! THANK YOU!!!
And then... there was a little Extra package, just to keep my weight up! 4 , yes 4, Fazer chocolate bars ... my very favourite, and three boxes of ... yes Sisu, only this time it's not yarn but licorice!!! =) You see... we finns are very proud of our SISU! Kirsi, the family thanks you!
The mailman is always so happy to bring me packages... to thank him I ordered his little daughters a letter from Santa Claus, straight from Korvatunturi... =)