Monday, April 8, 2013


In March the snow is hard as ice and falling on it face first can be BAD
 My worry was that it would leave a sign where the skin had been scratched away, so we took great care to not have a crust form and kept it covered and clean.

Her eye was swollen for a few days, which bothered her more than the skinless part, but it got better every day.

In a week the skin has formed and today she went to school without the band-aid, only protective cream.  

And I got some more grey hairs. =) All's well that ends well though.


Jael said...

Voi kuinka kurja juttu! Sitä ei uskoisi että lumi voi tehdä tuollaista vahinkoa.Toivottavasti ei jää mitään pysyvää jälkeä.

Jael said...
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